MariaDB is an enterprise open source database solution for modern, mission critical applications. Includes SkySQL, the MariaDB Cloud database and service.
MariaDB Corporation is a leader in open-source database solutions for SaaS, Cloud, and onpremises applications that require high availability, scalability, and performance. It delivers the leading enterprise open source database platform, whether it’s transactional, analytical or both. With MariaDB Server sitting at the core, our enterprise subscription includes expert support from the people who engineered MariaDB as well as the latest production level technologies to meet your platform requirements. We are the largest contributor to MariaDB Server code. When you run a business on MariaDB, we’re here to make sure you are successful.
Built by the founder and core engineering team behind MySQL, MariaDB is the “M” in LAMP, having displaced MySQL as the default database in the Red Hat and SUSE Linux distributions. MariaDB is also included in Pivotal Cloud Foundry, Rackspace and other cloud stacks. MariaDB has over 12 million users in more than 45 countries, including global brands such as HP, Wikipedia, Virgin Mobile, and
MariaDB is a database software and services package for MariaDB Server. MariaDB Server is a best of breed open source database system, based on MariaDB Server, that has been specially built to optimize both performance and stability.
By supporting both MariaDB as well as MySQL, the MariaDB subscription ensures your businesscritical application is always online, 24x365. This results in cost effective solutions that reduce business risk and achieve unique levels of data protection and return on investment
MariaDB DocumentationMariaDB Server Documentation
MariaDB MaxScale
MariaDB ColumnStore
MariaDB Enterprise Platform
MariaDB Enterprise Terms and Conditions EU
MariaDB Server License
MariaDB MaxScale BSL Terms of Use Legal Information & Notices
Support Policies

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* ESD: Electronic Software Download.
All the products are digital in nature and are downloaded/shipped online. There will be no physical CD/manual.