F-Chart Software develops and maintains innovative engineering analysis software for educational and commercial applications.
EES is a general equation solver that can solve thousands of coupled non-linear algebraic and differential equations. EES includes a library of thermodynamic and transport properties for hundreds of substances. View a short YouTube video to see the unique features in EES.
FEHT is a graphical environment for solving two-dimensional problems in heat transfer, electric currents, electrostatics, magnetostatics, potential flow, and bio-heat transfer using finite element techniques.
F-CHART is the authoritative solar system analysis and design program written by the originators of the method.
PV F-CHART is a photovoltaic system analysis and design program.

Kindly contact us for more information.
* ESD: Electronic Software Download.
All the products are digital in nature and are downloaded/shipped online. There will be no physical CD/manual.
F-CHART - Solar Systems Analysis, Single User
Regular Price: MYR2,388.00 -
F-Chart EES - Commercial with Instant Update Service for one year, Single User
Regular Price: MYR3,388.00 -
F-Chart EES - Professional with Instant Update service for one year, Single User
Regular Price: MYR6,288.00
F-Chart FEHT - Finite Element Analysis, Single User
Regular Price: MYR2,388.00 -
PV F-CHART - Photovoltaic Systems Analysis, Single User
Regular Price: MYR2,388.00