Power Line Systems
PLS-CADD is a very powerful and comprehensive program. We recommend four to five days of formal training in its use. Classes are regularly scheduled at different locations in the U.S. and abroad. Please see our training page for details.
Multiple copy discounts apply to licenses in valid support registered to a single operating company. Discounts for multiple licenses of the same program: 30% off full price for licenses 2 to 5, 50% off for licenses 6 and above.
Technical support and upgrades (via Internet) for a period of one year are included with your initial purchase. Additional support and upgrades may be purchased separately for 20% of the current cost of all installed licenses.
Frequently Asked Questions regarding the purchase of PLS software
Comparison of PLS-CADD editions

Kindly contact us for more information.
* ESD: Electronic Software Download.
All the products are digital in nature and are downloaded/shipped online. There will be no physical CD/manual.
CAISSON, Design of concrete pier foundations for poles - ESD Download
PLS-CADD, Optimum spotting option for the standard edition
PLS-CADD, SAPS™finite element sag-tension option for the standard edition
PLS-CADD, Standard Edition
PLS-POLE/STEEL for analysis and design of steel poles - ESD Download
SAGSEC, Finite element analysis of cables - ESD Download
TOWER, Analysis, design and optimization of steel lattice towers - ESD Download
TOWER, EDF/RTE option to add French design practices - ESD Download