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Setasign is the first company to offer commercial PDF components written in the interpreted PHP language.
PDF solutions based on PHP . Internet and intranet solutions
Project License
A project license allows the licensee to use the API/component for a certain project (intranet or internet) for an unlimited period of time. Project licenses are tied to a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) on a single server or on a single virtual machine. The licensee will notify a change in the domain name without delay. The use of the API/component using the command line is not permitted due to the lack of domain context.A project license includes a development license without time limit for the licensed API/component. This development license refers to the software versions available to the licensee in form of access to updates under the project license.
Server License
A server license allows the licensee to use the API/component on a single server or a virtual machine for an unlimited period of time. A server license is tied to a clear identifying feature (e.g. MAC address, IP address, name) of the server or the virtual machine. The licensee shall notify any alterations without delay.A server license includes a development license without time limit for the licensed API/component. This development license refers to the software versions available to the licensee in form of access to updates under the server license.
Cluster/Cloud License
A cluster/cloud license enables the licensee to use the API/component in systems with more than one server or virtual machine (server instances).A cluster/cloud license is limited to the agreed maximum number of servers/virtual machines (server instances) in the cluster.
A cluster/cloud license includes a development license without time limit for the licensed API/component. This development license refers to the software versions available to the licensee in form of access to updates under the cluster/cloud license.
Kindly contact us for more information.
* ESD: Electronic Software Download.
All the products are digital in nature and are downloaded/shipped online. There will be no physical CD/manual.
SetaPDF FPDI PDF-Parser - Developer License
SetaPDF-Core Component - Cluster/Cloud License (1-3 nodes)
SetaPDF-Core Component - Server License
SetaPDF-Extractor Component - Cluster/Cloud License (1-3 nodes)
SetaPDF-Extractor Component - Server License
SetaPDF-FormFiller Component Full - Cluster/Cloud License (1-3 nodes)
SetaPDF-FormFiller Component Full - Project License
SetaPDF-FormFiller Component Full - Server License
SetaPDF-Merger Component - Cluster/Cloud License (1-3 nodes)
SetaPDF-Merger Component - Server License
SetaPDF-Signer Component - Cluster/Cloud License (1-3 nodes)
SetaPDF-Signer Component - Server License