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MariaDB Enterprise Server with 1 year support

SKU: mariadb-enterprise-server

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MariaDB Platform X

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  • MariaDB Platform X



MariaDB Platform is the complete enterprise open source database solution. It has the versatility to support transactional, analytical and hybrid workloads as well as relational, JSON and hybrid data models. And it has the scalability to grow from standalone databases and data warehouses to fully distributed SQL for executing millions of transactions per second and performing interactive, ad hoc analytics on billions of rows.



MariaDB Enterprise Server is an enhanced, hardened and secured version of MariaDB built to meet the most challenging reliability, stability, security and scalability requirements of business-critical, mission-critical applications.


MariaDB MaxScale adds advanced data protection with a database firewall and dynamic data masking, high availability with dynamic query routing and automatic failover and query result caching with Redis integration.


MariaDB ColumnStore adds interactive, ad hoc analytics at scale with columnar storage and massively parallel processing, transforming MariaDB Enterprise Server into a data warehouse or hybrid database.


MariaDB Xpand is a distributed SQL database for applications requiring scalable transaction processing. It can be used on its own for maximum performance or with MariaDB Enterprise Server for compatibility.

MariaDB Technical Support Services

Included with the MariaDB Subscription is 24x7 technical support from MariaDB, the developers of MariaDB. This includes bug fixes, hotfix builds and a 30 Minute SLA for Severity 1 issues. As MariaDB is the developer of the MariaDB Server, bugs on any level can be fixed and ensured to be propagated upstream.

The services provided includes, but is not limited to:
● Installation and Upgrade assistance
● Access to Maintenance releases and Patches
● Bug fixing
● Consultative support
● Hot-fix builds
● 30 minute SLA
● Unlimited incidents
● MariaDB Notification Service

MariaDB Consultative Support

MariaDB Subscription includes consultative support provided by the MariaDB Technical Support team. This covers issues that are specific to a customer’s deployment, such as performance tuning, best practice recommendations, code reviews and deployment.

MariaDB Server (SQL Database Server)

MariaDB Enterprise Server is built on MariaDB Community Server and, with the aid of MariaDB MaxScale database proxy, delivers best-in-class performance, data security, replication, clustering and high availability. MariaDB Enterprise Server can scale from a single node to global scale, for any workload – from systems of record (OLTP) to analytics (OLAP), in any cloud: private, public, hybrid, or multi-cloud.

Enterprise Server is available in new release of SkySQL through the Enterprise Server With Replica(s) topology or Enterprise Server Single Node topology. For additional information, see MariaDB SkySQL DBaaS.

Enterprise Server is available in previous release of SkySQL through the Primary/Replica topology or Single Node Transactions topology. For additional information, see MariaDB SkySQL previous release.

Additional Information

SKU mariadb-enterprise-server
Status Enabled