Statistic software, IBM SPSS, PS Imago, Minitab, Six Sigma
Statistics and Analysis of Scientific Data
A Concise Guide to Market Research
SPSS for Starters and 2nd LevelersStatistics and Analysis of Scientific Data
A Concise Guide to Market Research
Kindly contact us for more information.
AutoSignal v1, Academic, Standalone, Perpetual
AutoSignal v1, Government, Standalone, Perpetual
AutoSignal v1, Standalone, Perpetual
Design-Expert® v13 Software(DX) - Single User Perpetual License
Eviews 12 Enterprise Academic, 30 Concurrent Uses, 12 months term license
EViews 14 Academic, 1 Concurrent Use License Pack
EViews 14 Enterprise Edition, Single-User License
EViews 14 Standard Edition, Single-User License
GeoLab 2023, 1 Year
GeoLab Perpetual License
Regular Price: MYR12,288.00 -
GraphPad Prism Corporate - Single user Perpetual License
Regular Price: MYR16,888.00 -
IBM SPSS AMOS v27 Campus Edition
IBM SPSS Statistics Base v27
IBM SPSS Statistics Standard v27 Campus Edition
Minitab Statistical Software - Subscription License, Cloud-Based (1-Named User, 1-Year)
Minitab Statistical Software - Subscription License, Cloud-Based (1-Named User, 3-Year)
Minitab Statistical Software v20, One-Off Multi-User Concurrent License-25 users, Academic
Minitab Statistical Software v20, One-Off Multi-User Concurrent License-5 users, Academic
Minitab Statistical Software v21 - Annual Multi-User License - 10 users
Minitab Statistical Software v21 - Annual Multi-User License - 5 users
Numerics by Stata, Single User, 1 Year Subscription
Nvivo 15, Academic - Single User 1 Year Subscription
Regular Price: MYR2,588.00 -
Nvivo 15, Academic - Single User Perpetual License
Regular Price: MYR5,388.00
Nvivo Plus Commercial/ Government - Single User License
Nvivo Pro, Commercial - Single User License
PeakFit 4.12, Academic Standalone, Perpetual
PeakFit 4.12, Government Standalone, Perpetual
PeakFit 4.12, Standalone, Perpetual
QI Macros for Excel (Download Only)
Regular Price: MYR2,188.00
SigmaPlot 15, Academic, Standalone, Perpetual
SigmaPlot 15, Government, Standalone, Perpetual
SigmaPlot 15, Standalone, Perpetual
SigmaPlot Electrophysiology Module
SigmaScan v5, Academic, Standalone, Perpetual
SigmaScan v5, Government, Standalone, Perpetual
SigmaScan v5, Standalone, Perpetual
SPC for Excel
Regular Price: MYR1,688.00 -
Stata//MP 2-core, Academic Single User, Perpetual
Stata//MP 2-core, Single User, Perpetual
Stata/BE, Academic Single User, 1 Year Subscription
Stata/BE, Academic Single User, Perpetual
Stata/BE, Single User, 1 Year Subscription
Stata/BE, Single User, Perpetual
Stata/MP 2-core, Academic Single User, 1 Year Subscription
Stata/MP 2-core, Single User, 1 Year Subscription
Stata/SE, Academic Single User, 1 Year Subscription
Stata/SE, Academic Single User, Perpetual
Stata/SE, Single User, 1 Year Subscription
Stata/SE, Single User, Perpetual
StatsDirect, Single User, 3-Year License - Academic
Regular Price: MYR788.00
StatsDirect, Single User, 3-Year License - Commercial
Regular Price: MYR1,388.00 -
SYSTAT 13.2, Academic Standalone, Perpetual
SYSTAT 13.2, Government Standalone, Perpetual
SYSTAT 13.2, Standalone, Perpetual
TableCurve 2D v5, Academic, Standalone, Perpetual
TableCurve 2D v5, Government, Standalone, Perpetual
TableCurve 2D v5, Standalone, Perpetual
TableCurve 3D v4, Academic, Standalone, Perpetual
TableCurve 3D v4, Government, Standalone, Perpetual