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NiceLabel Malaysia Reseller, Turn hidden costs into visible savings with a modern labeling solution available in the cloud or on-premise.
NiceLabel download for existing customers

Kindly contact us for more information.
* ESD: Electronic Software Download.
All the products are digital in nature and are downloaded/shipped online. There will be no physical CD/manual.
NiceLabel Designer Express, 1 User - Electronic Delivery
NiceLabel Designer Pro with 1 Year SMA, 1 User
NiceLabel Designer Pro, 3 Printers - Electronic Delivery
NiceLabel Designer Pro, 5 Printers - Electronic Delivery
NiceLabel LMS Enterprise, 5 Printers - Electronic Delivery
NiceLabel LMS Pro, 5 Printers - Electronic Delivery
NiceLabel PowerForms Suite, 5 Printers - Electronic Delivery
NiceLabel PowerForms, 1 User - Electronic Delivery