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Visual Paradigm
Visual Paradigm Malaysia Reseller, Authorized Reseller Partners, Visual Paradigm Modeler, Visual Paradigm Standard, Visual Paradigm Professional, ArchiMetric, Visual Paradigm Online Training Center, Floating license
Visual Paradigm is a UML CASE Tool supporting UML 2, SysML and Business Process Modeling Notation from the Object Management Group. In addition to modeling support, it provides report generation and code engineering capabilities including code generation.
The price of the floating license is 30% more than that of the single-seat license.
To find out more about floating licenses, please visit the floating license information page at //
Version Upgrades (Software Maintenance)
All version upgrades of Visual Paradigm products are included as part of our software maintenance packages. Customers are entitled to all version upgrades released within their software maintenance period. Software maintenance is purchased on a yearly basis (e.g., January 20, 2006 through January 19, 2007) at an annual cost of 20% of the product list price, if purchased with a product or as an extension of a valid maintenance period. If the maintenance contract is purchased separately, the cost is 30% of the product list price. Maintenance contracts remain valid throughout the purchased maintenance period. Customers can purchase a product maintenance package of up to three years in duration.
Visual Paradigm Product Leaflet
Visual Paradigm Datasheet
Visual Paradigm Quick Start
Visual Paradigm User's Guide
Feature List
Visual Paradigm Editions Comparison
Software maintenance
VIsual Paradigm terms and conditions
Licensing options
Free Online Training - Visual Paradigm Essential
User’s Guide
Installing Teamwork Server
* ESD: Electronic Software Download.
All the products are digital in nature and are downloaded/shipped online. There will be no physical CD/manual.
Visual Paradigm is a UML CASE Tool supporting UML 2, SysML and Business Process Modeling Notation from the Object Management Group. In addition to modeling support, it provides report generation and code engineering capabilities including code generation.
Effective IT System Design, with UML & ERD
Visual Paradigm features all the UML diagrams and ERD tools essentially in system and database design. Innovative modeling tools like Resource Catalog, Transitor and Nicknamer makes system modeling easy and cost-effective. Doc. Composer lets you produce detailed design specification ready to use in discussion with just a few clicks. Take a deeper look at Visual Paradigm, and you'll know why we're your right choice.
The price of the floating license is 30% more than that of the single-seat license.
To find out more about floating licenses, please visit the floating license information page at //
Version Upgrades (Software Maintenance)
Visual Paradigm Product Leaflet
Visual Paradigm Datasheet
Visual Paradigm Quick Start
Visual Paradigm User's Guide
Feature List
Visual Paradigm Editions Comparison
Software maintenance
VIsual Paradigm terms and conditions
Licensing options
Free Online Training - Visual Paradigm Essential
Help and Support
Learning and TrainingUser’s Guide
Installation Guides
Setting up Floating License and License serverInstallation
Installing Teamwork Server

* ESD: Electronic Software Download.
All the products are digital in nature and are downloaded/shipped online. There will be no physical CD/manual.
Visual Paradigm Enterprise, 12 months subscription
Visual Paradigm Enterprise, Floating license
Visual Paradigm Enterprise, Single License
Visual Paradigm Modeler, Floating License
Visual Paradigm Modeler, Single Seat
Visual Paradigm Online Combo, 1 Year
Visual Paradigm Professional Edition, Floating License
Visual Paradigm Professional Subscription - 12 months
Visual Paradigm Professional Subscription - 3 months
Visual Paradigm Professional, Single Seat
Visual Paradigm Standard Subscription - 12 months
Visual Paradigm Standard, Floating License