javascript reporting server
innovative and unlimited reporting based on javascript templating engines

on-premise licenses
Choose between yearly subscription or perpetual based license. The subscription based license is automatically renewed, include all updates and is valid as long as the subscription is paid. The perpetual license includes only limited period for which the updates are included, but is valid endlessly. The enterprise plan requires dedicated license for every jsreport instance. The scale plan is better option when running multiple instances or deploying as part of another product to multiple customers because it provides single license which can be used on infinite amount of instances. All licenses are royalty free.
Kindly contact us for more information.
* ESD: Electronic Software Download.
All the products are digital in nature and are downloaded/shipped online. There will be no physical CD/manual.
jsreport enterprise scale, on premise, one time license
Regular Price: MYR13,588.00 -
jsreport enterprise, on premise, one time license
Regular Price: MYR4,888.00