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Xojo Desktop

SKU: xojo-desktop

Availability: Out of stock

Quick Overview

Xojo Desktop

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  • Xojo Desktop


Cross-platform app developmentfor macOS, Windows and Linux 

Develop native apps for the desktop from whatever platform you prefer

The fastest way to create native apps.

Developing apps for multiple platforms is simple with Xojo. Use Xojo's IDE and programming language to can create desktop apps for Windows, macOS and Linux.

Native Controls

With over 40 user interface controls built-in, your app will look and feel right on any platform.

Drag & Drop UI

Creating your apps user interface is fast, easy and fun with Xojo's visual interface builder.

Object-Oriented Language

The Xojo programming language is easy to learn but also supports powerful features that experienced developers will love.

Easy to Start, Fast to Develop

Xojo has been helping people create extraordinary apps since 1998. Save development time with Xojo by sharing code between platforms to have native versions of your app where you need it. We like Xojo so much that we even wrote Xojo in Xojo.

Use drag and drop to easily design your user interface and write your code using the objected-oriented Xojo programming language in the powerful code editor with auto-complete. Xojo abstracts you from complex OS details and APIs, allowing you to create apps for multiple OS’s without extra work.

Xojo isn't just for macOS, Windows and Linux - develop mobile, web and Raspberry Pi apps the same way you develop desktop apps.

Additional Information

SKU xojo-desktop
Status Enabled