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Sony Audio Master Suite

SKU: audio-master-suite

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  • Sony Audio Master Suite Malaysia Reseller Malaysia Reseller


Sound Forge™ Pro 11 and SpectraLayers™ Pro 3 are the most advanced waveform and spectral editing applications available today. Each with its own unique genius, they work seamlessly together to form a colossal editing system offering extraordinary and immediate gains for audio professionals everywhere. Engineered for smooth round-trip communication, the latest editions invite you to channel the power of each in turn as your tasks demand. Whether your game is mixing, mastering, repair and restoration, sound design, forensics, or analysis, Sound Forge Pro 11 and SpectraLayers Pro 3, working in tandem, provide a unified environment that will serve as your gateway to the highest plateau of creative audio design.

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SKU audio-master-suite
Status Enabled