1. Automatic Recognition of Plugged-in Storage Devices It will not influence normal usage of USB mouse, printers or other non-storage devices.
2. Automatic Launch & Hidden Running USSE cannot be deleted, terminated, uninstalled or cracked by anyone except administrators.
3. Client Interface Control Tools These tools help administrators manage clients and set permissions.
4. Read & Write Control: Read Only, Write Only, Allow & Block Modes USSE completely controls the read and write permissions of USB sticks, mobile hard disks, digital cameras and other devices.
5. System Infrastructure Level Control with High Response Speed & No System Resource
6. Unique Write Only Feature Users are only allowed to paste and create files in USB storage devices. They are not allowed to open and save files, or copy files in USB storage devices to other locations.
7. Identifier Recognition Users can flexibly set corresponding permissions based on identifiers in mobile devices.
8. Background Encryption & Decryption without influence on User Operations Unlike other time-consuming encryption programs that require encryption every time after copying files to mobile disks, and decryption when copying files from mobile disks to computers, disks encrypted by USSE can be used conveniently like common un-encrypted disks.
9. Support Registration of SD Cards & USB Sticks USSE has two modes to manage and control WIN CE smart phones: Read Only and Block.
10. Compatible with Windows 7
11. Multiple Proactive Protection against Leakage USSE manages and controls not only storage devices, but also infrared devices, Bluetooth, 1394 fire wires, 3G Cards, printers, wireless adapters, etc. It completely prevents data leakage from client machines.
12. Protection against Uninstallation & Deletion and Automatic Fix Features on Client Side
13. Log Audit USSE provides detailed logs on end users USB storage device usage, including USB plugging logs and file copying logs.
14. File Copy Control USSE restricts file size and file type copied between USB devices and computers.
15. File Automatic Backup Users can copy files on computers where USSE is installed, select backup file size and type, and automatic clean up backup files.
Storage Devices Management & Control USSE manages and controls USB sticks, USB card readers, SD cards, mobile hard disks, CDRW and WIN CE smart phones, etc. Peripheral Hardware Management & Control: CDRW Drives, MODEMs, NICs, 3G Cards, 1394 fire wires, PCMCIA cards, infrared devices, printers and its printed contents, Memory Technology Drivers, SCSI and RAID controllers, tape devices, smart cards, storage volumes, Bluetooth, GPS devices and wireless adapters, etc.