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Telerik UI for WPF Developer License - Lite Support

SKU: 6427

Availability: Out of stock

Progress Telerik UI for WPF Developer  with Lite support

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  • Progress Telerik UI for WPF Developer  Malaysia Reseller
  • Progress Telerik UI for WPF Developer  Malaysia Reseller
  • Progress Telerik UI for WPF Developer  with Lite support


Telerik UI for WPF

Build beautiful and high-performance WPF business applications fast. Now with .NET Core Support.

Save up to 50%

in development time

Telerik UI for WPF can save your team man years of coding and testing. Try it out and see how fast and easy it is to build desktop apps. A bunch of intuitive to use, powerful and high quality UI experience components are here to make your app mesosphere-cool.

Great demos and excellent documentation are here to get you coding on your specific project within hours.

Buy it as Part of DevCraft

.NET and JavaScript components tools enable you to build modern and high-performant apps on any web, desktop or mobile platform—fast. Comes with flexible support options designed to cover your every need.

Optimize your time and budget by taking advantage of our intuitive APIs, thousands of demos with source code availability, comprehensive documentation and a full assortment of VS templates.

More about DevCraft

Additional Information

SKU 6427
Status Enabled