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TSplus - Printer edition - Up to 5 users


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Quick Overview

TSplus for Windows

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  • TSplus for Windows


TSplus Benefits overview

  • Lowest-cost Citrix/RDS product available on all operating systems from XP to Windows 10 Pro and Server 2003 to 2019.
  • No requirement for Terminal Service CALs. No need for Terminal Service (Remote Desktop Services) license manager
  • Low cost, high value, and excellent performance in an easy-to-use solution
  • Support of 32 bit colors, dual-screen, bi-directional sound, USB devices and much more
  • Enhanced AdminTool simplifies the server management process
  • Advanced Application Control by user and/or by group
  • Fast file transfer between the user PC and the TSplus server
  • Extended remote printing capabilities made possible by our TSplus Universal Printer
  • Load balancing and failover for an unlimited number of servers within one farm
  • Secured server communication (Hide server drives, RDP firewall, encryption...)
  • Seamless Application Publishing and Remote APP (such as Citrix or MS RDS)
  • Internet Web Access using IE, Opera, Netscape, Filezilla...
  • Secured Web Access with port forwarding over HTTP and HTTPS
  • Gateway Portal to connect to multiple servers
  • HTML5 client enabling connection from IPAD and Android tablets

What more do you need?

Competitive analysis

If you're looking for an easy, plug-and-play solution to Web-enable or publish your applications, then the logical choice is TSplus.

Freeing you from the complexities of Citrix and Microsoft Remote Desktop Services (RDS), TSplus provides a fast, simple and affordable solution.

TSplus technology can improve the performance of your Accounting and Retail Manager, QuickBooks and many other applications up to 10 times faster.

Our Product Range

TSplus For W7, W8, W10 Pro and W16 vs. Windows Terminal Server and Citrix

"Server Technology" for a "Micro" price! TSplus enables any W7, W8, W10 or W19 systems to act as a Citrix or Terminal Server: Multiple concurrent sessions, seamless application publishing, Universal Printing, Load Balancing, Failover, Application Control, and more!

TSplus enables access on any Server for 3, 5, 10 or 25 users! TSplus is the very best solution to achieve seamless application publishing, Universal Printing, Load Balancing, Failover and Application Control.

With TSplus Universal Printer option, any TSplus client access programs (Seamless, RDP or USB) can be used to print documents without any printer administration. Thanks to the integrated PDF driver-free printing technology, this all-in-one solution offers more than optimized remote printing for all employees.

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