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TerraFlex Advanced Subscription, 1 Year


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Trimble TerraFlex

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  • Trimble TerraFlex


Trimble TerraFlex

Mobile workflows you can trust
Trimble TerraFlex is an easy-to-use cloud-based solution for field data collection.

Trimble® TerraFlex™ is a cloud-based solution that provides you with the tools to streamline your data collection workflows and delivers high accuracy positioning when you need it. With TerraFlex, your entire organization becomes more efficient. Anytime, anywhere.

  • Fast, efficient, geospatial data collection across a fleet of mixed devices
  • Import and update existing data for up-to-the-minute information
  • Streamlined data management to keep your data organized
  • Direct integration with your Esri environment

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Set up projects and send your teams out with multiple form templates for an optimal data collection workflow.

Use Your Existing Devices

Supports iOS, Android, WEHH and selected tablet devices running Windows. Field workers can work with their choice of device, from their personal phone to a high-accuracy handheld, and collect data in the same way. Eliminate the need to carry a GPS device, camera, clipboard, and printed maps, by centralizing onto a single device.

High Accuracy Positioning

When accuracy is important, combine TerraFlex with high-accuracy GNSS solutions such as the Trimble TDC150 handheld, Trimble R1 or R2 GNSS receivers, or the Trimble Catalyst™ service. When paired with an LTI TruPulse® laser rangefinder, TerraFlex enables the safe capture of feature locations in hard to reach places or those in poor GNSS environments.

Update Your Existing Data

Import pre-existing asset or GIS data into your projects with TerraFlex Advanced and make real-time updates to it in the field. Share that information across the project organization, so all projects members - from the field to office - are working with the most up-to-date data available.

Work Anywhere

Work even in remote areas, with data collection that is fully functional offline. When field workers are back in range, data will automatically sync back to the office.

Keep in Sync

Field data automatically syncs with a central server, streamlining office operations and driving higher productivity and cost savings. No need to return to the office to enter field data. No double entry of information re-typing paper forms. Save time, reduce errors.

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