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think-cell - 1 Year subscription

SKU: thinkcell

Availability: In stock

Regular Price: MYR1,658.00

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See how think-cell addresses your
typical PowerPoint pain points

think-cell helps you create stunning charts in minutes, boosts your slide layout and automates your regular reports. And all this with a single PowerPoint add-in. Here are its most awe-inspiring features.

A wealth of features

think-cell smoothly integrates into PowerPoint and brings you 40+ chart types, dozens of data-driven visual enhancements and other unique features, which you can find listed on this page.

Automate your PowerPoint work

Creating slides in Microsoft PowerPoint is painstaking. Frequently used chart types and graphical elements are missing and there is nearly no automatic placement. Usually, you end up manually updating numbers and pushing around shapes.

think-cell is different. It is a powerful charting and layout software that automates your PowerPoint work, improving slide creation efficiency and quality. Within minutes you get well-laid-out and great-looking slides.

Save 70% working time on charts

One of the leading consulting firms quantified think-cell's impact on chart production. One of their highly experienced graphics experts created and updated 48 typical slides using PowerPoint. The complete process took him over 10 hours.

The same graphics expert then received a short introduction to think-cell and started to create and update the slides using think-cell. He needed only 3 hours – saving 70% of net working time.

Stacked column and bar chart

Stacked charts seem simple, but labeling, axes breaks and additional decorations can still take a lot of time. This video shows how think-cell helps in this regard and can therefore save you time even in case of common chart types.

Waterfall chart

To create a waterfall chart simply enter the values to add. Positive values build up, negative values build down. "e" calculates a subtotal. For additional flexibility, you can interactively reattach the reference connector of each segment to change the order of summation.

Gantt chart

think-cell is the only software that allows you to create complex timeline charts (also known as Gantt charts) directly in PowerPoint. As seen in this video the chart is completely calendar-based and supports a variety of decorations and labels.

Mekko chart

A Mekko chart (also known as Marimekko chart) is a two-dimensional 100% chart, in which the width of a column is proportional to the total of the column's values. Data input is similar to a 100% chart, with data represented as either absolute values or percentages of a given total.

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SKU thinkcell
Status Enabled