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RhinoNest, Electronic Download

SKU: rhinonest

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RhinoNest Malaysia Reseller

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Bring your nesting to the Highest level!

Nesting is the optimization and orientation of objects to save material. Take the right steps before manufacturing by using RhinoNest. 

The Proper Steps Before Manufacturing

RhinoNest 4 allows for the optimization of any type of geometry with endless options for maximum reduction such as multiple panels, the use of real or rectangular shapes, priorities between objects, freedom, and more!

 Bring your nesting to the Highest level!

The Proper Steps Before Manufacturing

RhinoNest® is fully integrated in Rhinoceros 5.

3D Cut to Laminate 3D Objects
Choose. Combine. 3D Print.

3D Cut allows you to laminate 3D objects for laser cutting or CNC machines.

Remapping feature you are placed in the 3D geometric plane and can automatically identify each piece.

Integration with Grasshopper
For designers exploring new forms of using generative algorithms

Grasshopper 3D is a graphic algorithm editor closely integrated with Rhino modeling tools. Unlike programming tools, Grasshopper requires no programming or scripting knowledge. Nevertheless, it allows designers the opportunity to create form generators ranging from the simplest to the most impressive versions. RhinoNest for Grasshopper includes all the tools available in RhinoNest within the Grasshopper interface.

Additional Information

SKU rhinonest
Status Enabled