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ImageManager ShadowStream


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StorageCraft ImageManager ShadowStream  Malaysia Reseller

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  • StorageCraft ImageManager ShadowStream  Malaysia Reseller


ShadowStream lets you send backup image files to a remote site such as a second office, a co-location facility, or public or private cloud. In low-bandwidth, high-latency, or high-packet-loss network conditions, StorageCraft® ShadowStream® technology is faster than File Transfer Protocol (FTP). Under these conditions, ShadowStream can significantly reduce the time needed to transfer backup image files. In high-bandwidth network conditions, ShadowStream makes efficient use of bandwidth, resulting in rapid offsite replication and maximum available bandwidth for other traffic.


ShadowStream transfers StorageCraft ShadowProtect SPX and StorageCraft ShadowProtect backup image files, and it is part of StorageCraft ImageManager, backup management software. But you need to buy a job license to enable it.

When you buy a ShadowStream job license, you receive a product serial number that contains one or more job licenses. You can assign these job licenses to the same or different computers, and you can move them between computers as needed. Each ShadowStream license supports one remote (offsite) replication job using ShadowStream.

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