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Stimulsoft Ultimate - Worldwide License with Source Code - Unlimited Developers, Unlimited Office Locations, 1-year Subscription

SKU: 45575468

Availability: In stock

Regular Price: MYR305,888.00

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Stimulsoft Ultimate

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  • Stimulsoft Ultimate


What is Stimulsoft Ultimate?

Stimulsoft Ultimate is a universal set of tools for creating reports and dashboards. The product includes a complete set of tools for WinForms, ASP.NET, .NET Core, JavaScript, WPF, PHP, Java, and other environments.There is no need to compare product features. Stimulsoft Ultimate includes everything!

Report Designer for everything

We provide easy-to-use and, at the same time, fully functional designer. You may create reports and dashboards for any of the supported platforms. Special wizards and editors will help you to cope with any task easily.Works on Windows and Mac. Works on any web browser.

One document for any platform

Our reports and dashboards have a unified format for more than 15 platforms. Our reports are created in a recognizable and consistent visual interface. We offer the same approaches and practices in designing reports, standardized user manuals, and video tutorials.Create a template once and publish it everywhere!


We have a wide range of tools for creating informative dashboards and sophisticated reports. Texts, images, graphics, indicators, bar-codes, primitives, and other components, a large set of preset styles, special wizards will allow you to quickly and efficiently implement your ideas.

Designer in your application

Do users of your applications want to change the reports and dashboards? No problem! The report designer can be launched from your application at any time. Just one line of code and your clients can make the necessary changes in templates!No additional license fees required.

What are the benefits?

Stimulsoft Ultimate is an excellent offer for those who use several platforms in application development, such as Windows Forms, ASP.NET, .NET Core, JavaScript, WPF, PHP, Java, and others.Stimulsoft Ultimate includes nine products and costs almost four times less if purchased separately.

Stimulsoft Ultimate is a universal set of tools for creating reports and dashboards. This kit includes nine products - six report writers and three for working with dashboards. At the same time, Ultimate is almost four times cheaper if you buy products separately. The product includes:

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SKU 45575468
Status Enabled