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SoftChalk Cloud for Individuals, Government/Non-Profit- Yearly license with support


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SoftChalk Cloud Malaysia Reseller

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  • SoftChalk Cloud Malaysia Reseller


SoftChalk Cloud’s eLearning content creation & management features include…


Content Authoring

With SoftChalk Cloud, every educator can create awesome online course curriculum that will delight and engage their students! It combines the ease of SoftChalk’s desktop authoring solution with the power of cloud collaboration. Learn more >

Interactivity and Engagement

Create online lessons that include interactive games, self-assessment quiz questions and annotated text. When it’s this easy to create your own content that gives learners rich, interactive learning experiences, why would you not? Learn more >

Track Student Outcomes

The score tracking features in SoftChalk Cloud allow both the teacher and the student to know where the learner has understanding and where he is struggling. Know which questions and activities the student got right and wrong, how long they spent on the content, and how many lesson attempts they made. Learn more >

Publish to any LMS

Yes, SoftChalk Cloud works with your learning management system (LMS)! Deliver your lessons seamlessly within the LMS course interface—students never leave the native LMS environment. And in many cases, you can also track student scores from SoftChalk lessons directly into your LMS gradebook! Learn more >

Accessibility Compliance

Your digital curriculum has to meet accessibility requirements. If you’re looking for a way to ensure that the elearning content you create is usable and accessible by all students, let us help you. SoftChalk has been recognized by specialists in the field as a leader among software companies in addressing accessibility issues. Our goal is to enable educators to easily incorporate accessibility requirements into their everyday work so that all students can have the best possible educational experience. Learn more >

Multi-platform authoring

Whether you’re a Windows or a Mac devotee, use your favorite operating system to create your eLearning Content—SoftChalk Cloud supports both for authoring. Everything you create is interchangeable—so you can author content on one platform and easily switch to another. The SoftChalk content you create is web-based, so students can view with any standard web browser on any platform—Windows, Mac, Ipad, tablet, Chrome, smart phone, etc. See System Specifications >

Community OER Repository

SoftChalk Share is our Open Education Resource, learning object repository with thousands of free learning materials, created by educators like you! See what other educators have created using SoftChalk; then create something of your own to share with the world! Learn more >

SoftChalk Cloud for the Enterprise

Now your institution can create, collect, manage and share your eLearning content in your own enterprise version of the SoftChalk Cloud Platform. Learn more>

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Status Enabled