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SmartBear AQtime Pro - Node-Locked License (Includes 1 Year Maintenance)


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SmartBear AQtime Pro

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  • SmartBear AQtime Pro


Performance & Memory Profiler

AQtime Pro is a software performance exploration suite designed to help developers track down memory profiling issues, CPU and other I/O bottlenecks, perform comprehensive code coverage analysis, and perform fault simulation. It includes profiling and coverage support for Java, Microsoft .NET profiling, C/C++, Delphi, JScript, VBScript, Silverlight, and other programming frameworks.

DevOps teams deploying .Net webservers can use AQtime's performance profilers to isolate performance issues and bottlenecks. Diving deeper with AQtime's tools ensures that problems are pinpointed quickly, so that environments are running at peak performance.

Pinpoint Bugs Faster

Debugging should be simple. AQTime Pro synthesizes complex memory and performance information into digestible, actionable insights so you can quickly find bugs and their root cause.

Streamline Your Debug Workflow Across All Projects and Languages With One Tool

Many organizations have multiple separate software development projects with their own dedicated codebases, or even single projects that use multiple languages for different components. Yet many code profilers limit you to just one language. Don’t be constrained! AQTime Pro is one tool that can profile across native, managed, and mixed code.

  • AQTime Pro is the best code profiling tool that can profile: C/C++ applications (Visual C++, C++Builder, GCC, Intel C++ ), Delphi applications, NET 1.x–4.5 applications, Silverlight 4 applications, Java 1.5 and 1.6 applications, 64-bit applications, JavaScript, JScript and VBScript scripts.

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