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Raise 3D Printer E2

SKU: raise-3d-printer-e2

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Raise3D E2 3D Printer  Malaysia Reseller

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  • Raise3D E2 3D Printer  Malaysia Reseller


Raise3D E2

Precise, Reliable and Affordable

An easy-to-use, durable desktop 3D printer ready to improve precision standards, scale production, and add a powerful new manufacturing resource.

IDEX (Independent Dual Extruders) - Dual Prints Simultaneously

Auto Bed Leveling

Confirms that the printing platform is level whenever preparing to print. ABL maintains the distance between the print nozzles and bed, creating a uniform build area.

Improves bed adhesion and print quality by allowing the extruder to adjust to even minor surface contour changes.

Industry First Video-Assisted Offset Calibration System

Guides users through a simple, video-assisted process for verifying that the E2 is geometrically aligned.

After completing the Offset Calibration Guide, the E2 can be used worry-free, with properly aligned extruders.

Additional Information

SKU raise-3d-printer-e2
Status Enabled