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QuarkXPress 2021 Single User, Perpetual License with 1 Year Advantage Plan

SKU: 318200a

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Quark Xpress Malaysia Reseller

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Content Design & Digital Publishing Software

Unleash your creativity and deliver every project as promised, on time and within budget

Graphic design and desktop publishing processes were long overdue for innovation and disruption, so enter QuarkXPress with its first release in 1987. Since then, thousands of creative professionals have come to depend on its power, speed and reliability for content design – on its own or alongside other graphic design tools. Such functionality as native-object conversion, conditional styles, synchronized content and automatic backups makes workflows dramatically faster to meet deadlines. And its digital publishing features are unmatched – quickly and easily convert your documents into flex websites and other interactive, digital experiences to expand audiences and brand reach. Brilliant content begins with QuarkXPress, the world’s most powerful page layout and digital publishing software.

Brilliant Content Design Capabilities

Page Layout

Produce stunning page layouts for any medium.

Graphics & Illustrations

Refine graphics and illustrations on the digital canvas.

Photo Editing

Correct, enhance and fine-tune images right up to the deadline.

Digital Publishing

Convert print publications to responsive digital layouts, with n

QuarkXPress Advantage Plan

If you buy a perpetual license, you have the option to also purchase a QuarkXPress Advantage Plan for ongoing software maintenance and support. These plans renew automatically on your annual renewal date and ensure that you have:

  • Access to the most recent version of QuarkXPress
  • Software updates and enhancements
  • Responsive technical support

If you decide not to renew your QuarkXPress Advantage plan, you will not receive updates or have access to free technical support. However, you will always own the last version of the software you downloaded while your Advantage Plan was active.

Additional Information

SKU 318200a
Status Enabled