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TeraChem Industry/Government - Node-Locked License for 1 Node

SKU: tc-indu1

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  • TeraChem


TeraChem is general purpose quantum chemistry software designed to run on NVIDIA GPU architectures under a 64-bit Linux operating system. Some of TeraChem features include:

  • Full support for NVIDIA GeForce/Tesla GPUs (Fermi, Kepler, Maxwell and Pascal)
  • Restricted, unrestricted, and restricted open shell Hartree-Fock and grid-based Kohn-Sham energy and gradient calculations
  • Full support of s, p and d-type basis functions
  • Various DFT functionals, including range-corrected and Coulomb attenuated functionals (BLYP, B3LYP, PBE, PBE0, ωPBE, ωPBEh, ωB97, ωB97x, camB3LYP, etc) and DFT grids (800 - 80,000 grid points per atom)
    • Static and dynamical DFT grids
    • Empirical dispersion correction (DFT-D3 and DFT-D2)
  • Time-dependent Density Functional Theory (TDDFT) and CI Singles (CIS)
  • Geometry optimization (L-BFGS, Conjugate gradient, Steepest descent) and transition state search
    • The optimization can be carried out either in Cartesian or internal coordinates as specified in the start file (all input geometries are provided in Cartesians). The Cartesian → internal → Cartesian coordinate transformation is performed automatically whenever required.
    • Constrained optimization with frozen atoms, constrained bond lengths, angles, and dihedrals.
  • Ab initio molecular dynamics (NVE, NVT ensembles)
    • Time reversible Born-Oppenheimer dynamics
    • Spherical boundary conditions
  • Support of multiple-GPU systems
  • Single/Dynamical/Double precision accuracy
  • QM/MM treatment of surrounding water molecules using TIP3P force field
  • Natural bond orbital analysis through integration with NBO6
  • Polarizabilities for HF and closed-shell DFT methods

* 1 machine is one motherboard with up to 20 CPU cores (up to dual socket) and 8 GPUs

All licenses come with 6 months of E-mail based support (including free upgrades).

System Requirements:
TeraChem requires a 64-bit CPU with 64-bit Linux operating system and at least 1 NVIDIA GPU with at least CUDA 2.0 compute capability (Fermi).
PetaChem, LLC recommends Intel Xeon series CPUs, CentOS 6.0 or later, and NVIDIA Kepler and Maxwell GPUs.

Additional Information

SKU tc-indu1
Status Enabled