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pdfMachine ultimate with 2 years version protection

SKU: pdfmachine-ultimate-plus-1

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pdfMachine ultimate

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  • pdfMachine ultimate


pdfMachine ultimate plus 1:

pdfMachine comes with a year of version protection.

pdfMachine ultimate with 1 additional year of version protection. A 20% discount on 1 year of version protection is made by purchasing it up front.

pdfMachine ultimate has all the features of pdfMachine pro plus the ability to:

Embed pdfMachine Commands in the source document

Parameter parsing allows you to control the PDF generation pipeline from instructions embedded into the content of the document.   This allows the text content of the document to activate pdfMachine features as the print occurs.

Perform email merge with attached PDF

pdfMachine merge

pdfMachine merge emails personalized PDF attachments, using Word, Powerpoint, Excel or HTML documents as merge templates. Multiple PDFs can be attached to each email.

pdfMachine Word mail merge

pdfMachine Word Mail Merge works with the Microsoft Word mail merge operation using Word templates to perform email merge with attached PDF.

Batch mode email merges from legacy applications

A report which prints as a single job with multiple reports one after the other is easily converted into an automated job whereby pdfMachine separates out and emails the individual reports as emails with attached PDFs. You can set the recipients, subject and body of the email from the legacy application. All you need to do is to insert a few lines into your legacy report to provide the email details and to indicate where to split the report into separate emails. pdfMachine does the rest. The parameter parsing option is used to achieve this.

Additional Information

SKU pdfmachine-ultimate-plus-1
Status Enabled