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NaturalReader Commercial Subscriptions, Single Plan, Yearly

SKU: naturalreaders-commercial

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NaturalReader Ultimate  Malaysia Reseller

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  • NaturalReader Ultimate  Malaysia Reseller


NaturalReader Commercial AI Voiceover
Create Voiceovers In Minutes
Use text to speech to easily convert and download audio licensed for use on YouTube, eLearning platforms, or any other public use or redistribution purpose.
Smart Voice Technology
Synthesized AI voices bring you the highest quality natural-sounding voices available in the market today.
176 voices from 27 different languages, including regional variations like Canadian French, Brazilian Portuguese, and US Spanish.
Studio Editor
Assign specific voices and speeds to selected pieces of text or use drag and drop to easily rearrange sections.
Pronunciation Editor
Use word substitution or phonetic characters to correct or improve the pronunciation of a given word or phrase.
Advanced Controls
Use SSML tags to adjust pitch, tone, and emphasis or to insert periods of silence.
Commercial Licensing
A commercial license allows you to to use the audio publicly or for any redistribution purposes. This means you can use the audio in your YouTube videos, company training videos, eLearning modules, public announcements or broadcasts, and other business, public, or commercial purposes.

Additional Information

SKU naturalreaders-commercial
Status Enabled