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nanoCAD Construction 3 years workstation subscription with *permanent license


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What is nanoCAD Construction?

nanoCAD Construction is a standalone 2D drafting and design application with a large library of standard parts and tools designed to help automate design tasks of building and construction engineers and for AEC drawings creation. nanoCAD Construction as well can be used by Facilities Management engineers. It is based on MuliCAD engine, available for members of the nanoCAD Developers Club via MulitiCAD API and MuliCAD.NET API.
nanoCAD Construction looks like a nanoCAD accompanied with a large toolset squeezed into one menu 'Construction'. Don't fool yourself, the product is really big and powerful. When you install it take a look on the User's Guide and take it serious. You will need to use the User's Guide and help to understand how to work with the product.
In the heart of nanoCAD Construction is an industry accepted parametric design engine working on top of a nanoCAD CAD platform. nanoCAD Construction offers automation of routine work while strictly adhering to corporate and market standards; thus leaving the construction engineers to concentrate on the creative part of new designs and solutions.
nanoCAD Construction will help you create innovative designs, reduce errors and save time.

Who can use nanoCAD Construction?

nanoCAD Construction is developed especially for construction engineers and drafters, providing them with opportunities in the field of automation of design as well as construction work in various areas of the AEC industry. When designers using nanoCAD Construction, they avoid tedious routines and repetitive manual tasks normally required to get the job done. 

Support of *.dwg format

nanoCAD Construction enables support of all versions of *.dwg format. Users can save data in all versions of dwg format compatible with AutoCAD, including AutoCAD LT. DWG is an native format of nanoCAD Construction and all files are saved in it.

2D drafting functions

nanoCAD platform includes all necessary functions for 2D drafting. The nanoCAD Construction software is designed for final preparation of drawings in compliance to drafting standards, but as well can be used to creating engineering drawings from scratch. Common instruments will allow you to create an engineering drawing of any complexity, to edit it, to add dimensions, to work with multi- or single-line texts, raster inserts, external references and many other objects. There is a variety of settings including layers, dimension and text styles, linetypes, units and drawing limits. Object snap, orthographic and polar tracking and other regimes ensure comfort drafting environment. Plotting can be made from model or layout space.

Drawing design elements

The main purpose of nanoCAD Construction is preparation of construction documentation in accordance with local drafting standards. The software includes vast number of features based on the technology of intellectual drawing elements. These features automate most routine operations of creation of façade, plan, sections and detail views. Main groups of functions include:
  • Drawing borders and title blocks;
  • Coordinate axes, orthogonal and polar arrays of coordinate axes;
  • Drawing and editing walls on the plan;
  • Drawing and creation of windows, doors and database with templates;
  • Working with spaces, preparation of explication, calculation of decorations;
  • Level marks;
  • Notes;
  • Views and section designations;
  • Technical requirements editor;
  • Designation of breaks that hides underlying geometry;
  • Ground border;
  • Designation of permanent joints;
  • Database of parametric elements.

Architectural plans

Architecture module of nanoCAD Construction software allows you to draw plans using special instruments and objects, including:

  • Linear and arc shaped walls that automatically join;
  • Customized templates of walls (geometry, attributes, multi-layer construction properties);
  • Wall edit tools (trim, break, join) using platform commands or grips;
  • Insertion of windows and doors using database of templates;
  • Drawing of rooms and spaces on the plan, customization of space attributes and decoration;
  • Automatic calculation and creation of Explication of rooms and List of decorations;
  • Insertion of interior elements using database of templates.

Drawing design utilities

Drawing design utilities help architect or engineer:

  • To create user-defined hatch pattern in *.pat file;
  • To create and calculate plate array;
  • To make a fully-customized array of objects;
  • To design a hole chart;
  • To make static beam calculation;
  • To calculate numbers using internal calculator;
  • To calculate geometrical characteristics of user-defined section.

Parametric in drawing design elements

nanoCAD Construction objects use their intellectual features that can be seen in interaction between objects on the drawing while editing. Objects include a number of graphical primitives that work as a whole. Special grips allow you to stretch, rotate, move and rotate object or alter its geometry and start object-related commands. The commands can as well be executed using context menu. For example, you can add extension lines, align text, mirror object or change arrow form using special grips.

nanoCAD Construction objects use strict rules based on drafting requirements for the design element of a particular type. These rules are called object’s behavior and it automates routine operations of object editing and drawing correction, as well as enhances entire drawing completeness.

Every nanoCAD Construction object is fully parametric. That means that all primitives (like notches, lines, text) that make up drawing design object have their parameters influencing their view and geometric configuration. These parameters could influence all design elements or specific instances.

nanoCAD Construction is a perfect tool to ensure accordance of drawing for organization’s internal drafting standard. For example it can enforce using of preferred layer names, text styles, dimension styles.

Scaling of objects

Construction drawings often have many views of a different scale. nanoCAD Construction uses symbol scale property to change the scale of particular fragment in just two clicks. It also allows you to avoid creating a set of text and dimension styles. nanoCAD Construction symbol scale also can change platform primitives such as texts, linetype scale or dimensions.
The scaling strategy can be set up for drafting entirely in model space or on layouts using viewports.

Drawing borders and title blocks

nanoCAD Construction have instruments of placement of drawing borders and title blocks in accordance with ISO, DIN, IS standards. Drawing borders and title blocks’ templates are stored in database and can be easily edited or re-drawn using primitives.

Tables and reports

Standard-defined table forms are included in nanoCAD Construction database, but internal table editor is a very powerful tool to create tables of any complexity. Table design features include:
  • Cell style (text style and alignment, lineweight, number value rounding);
  • Table headers and footers;
  • Using of table calculations;
  • Clipboard and direct interaction with MS Excel or Open Office tables;
  • Pencil drawing of cells;
  • In-place table edit on the drawing.
nanoCAD Construction can convert AutoCAD tables or even recognize table made from primitives.

Table reports are used to create lists and specifications from the drawing objects’ data. For example, an explication can directly be created using rooms placed on the drawing. Table report can use data obtained from primitives, architectural objects, drawing design elements, nanoCAD Construction’ library objects, or blocks with attributes.
The main advantage of reports is that it is automatically updated if object’s attributes are changed, so you don’t have to worry about updating your reports. Furthermore, you can save your table report as a template and use it on different drawing later to obtain automatically-generated list or explication. These functions are fully available to user without any programming.

Library of parametric objects

Library of parametric objects is preinstalled with nanoCAD Construction. It includes standard parts and templates:
  • Concrete foundations, beams and columns;
  • Steel profiles (ISO, IS, DIN, GOST);
  • Fasteners (ISO, DIN, IS, CSN, PN/M, GOST);
  • Wall, windows, doors templates;
  • Drawing borders and title blocks.
Every parametric object have its table of type-sizes, graphics and behavior on the drawing. The database is open and can be edited with an internal tool called MechWizard. This tool is used to create or modify parametric objects.

Any organization can install an MS SQL Server database engine to provide access for all users to a central-managed database.

Localization of nanoCAD Construction

nanoCAD Construction is highly customizable and can meet needs of every standard. Things that can be customized in the software:
  • Dimension style;
  • Text style and fonts;
  • Drawing borders and title block templates;
  • Colors and parameters of drawing design elements;
  • Table and report templates;
Templates for architectural objects (multilayer constructions, window templates, door templates, interior objects);
MechWizard technology allows to create parametric standard parts like steel profiles, reinforced concrete structures and may other. In fact MechWizard can be used to create highly efficient behavior-driven parametric objects that can be used in vertical applications. If that is not enough, nanoCAD Construction includes .Net, C++, Lisp API and can be extended with user-defined applications.

Advantages of using nanoCAD Construction

nanoCAD Construction is an excellent for preparation of construction drawings in accordance with norms and regulations.
nanoCAD is intuitively simple and doesn’t require additional time for training. You can start working once you’ve installed the software.
An engineer using nanoCAD Construction is fully focused on design tasks rather than control of different primitives and enforcement of standard conformity.

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