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midas NFX

SKU: midasNFX

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  • midasNFX Malaysia reseller


midasNFX is an integrated finite element analysis program for structural, CFD simulation and optimization design. It provides efficient and accurate analysis together with an integrated pre-post processor, developed by senior mechanical engineers with over 20 years of CAE software development expertise.

Within its highly interactive and visual environment, users have access to a variety of practical tools which can help to build, edit and manipulate CAE models. For 2D and 3D FE model creation, the users are free to use midas NFX’s powerful auto-meshers as well as extensive manual meshing tools.

midas NFX provides total solutions from high-end structural analysis functions such as contact analysis, nonlinear analysis, implicit / explicit dynamic analysis and fatigue analysis in addition to high-end fluid analysis functions such as moving mesh, free surface analysis and mass transfer analysis. Additionally midas NFX provides practical topology and size optimization considering static/dynamic analyses and manufacturing processes. 

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SKU midasNFX
Status Enabled