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Microsoft Windows Server 2025 - 1 User CAL - Educational


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Microsoft Windows Server Cal  UsrCAL Malaysia

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  • Microsoft Windows Server Cal SNGL OLP NL UsrCAL
  • Microsoft Windows Server Cal  UsrCAL Malaysia
  • Microsoft Windows Server Cal  UsrCAL Malaysia
  • Microsoft Windows Server Cal  UsrCAL Malaysia


Client Access Licenses and Management Licenses

If the workstations in your organization are networked, you likely depend on network server software to perform certain functions, such as file and print sharing. To access this server software legally, a Client Access License (CAL) may be required. A CAL is not a software product; rather, it is a license that gives a user the right to access the services of the server.

Likewise, if you manage the devices on your network by using management software such as Microsoft System Center, a Management License (ML) may be required for the device being managed.

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