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ComponentOne Studio ActiveX Edition 2021 v1 - New Perpetual Licenses, 1 Developer License - Includes 1 Year Subscription


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ActiveX Controls | Visual Studio Components | ComponentOne Studio

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  • ActiveX Controls | Visual Studio Components | ComponentOne Studio


About ComponentOne Studio ActiveX

A suite of ComponentOne COM Technologies products including controls such as True DBGrid and VSFlexGrid.

ComponentOne Studio ActiveX Edition currently includes: True DBGrid Pro, VSFlexGrid Pro, VSVIEW Classic Edition, VSVIEW Reporting, Chart, WebChart, Query, True DataControl, True DBInput Pro, True DBList Pro, SizerOne and VSSPELL. It includes any new ComponentOne COM Technologies component and updates released within your 1 year subscription period, plus email support.ComponentOne Platinum Support Subscriptions also provide a full year of Telephone and Online Technical Support. ComponentOne Studio ActiveX also offers 64bit support for several products included in the suite (VSFlexGrid, VSView Reporting, Query and Chart). Also available as part of the ComponentOne Studio.

ComponentOne Studio ActiveX Edition currently includes True DBGrid Pro, VSFlexGrid Pro, VSVIEW Classic Edition, VSVIEW Reporting, Chart, WebChart, Query, True DataControl, True DBInput Pro, True DBList Pro, SizerOne, and VSSPELL. ComponentOne Studio ActiveX also offers 64-bit support for several products included in the suite (VSFlexGrid, VSView Reporting, Query and Chart). There are periodic releases each year to include bug fixes, as the controls are tested on Microsoft Windows 10 environments.

ComponentOne for ActiveX currently includes the following products:

64-Bit Platform Support
Create a better application experience with the 64-bit platform's larger available memory allocation. You can process larger data sets into charts and grids more efficiently by calling on a larger cache of data in memory. VSFlexGrid, VSView Reporting, Query, and Chart are all available with 64-bit support.

Chart Controls
Create sophisticated charts and graphs with fast, real-time tracking and flexible data binding, and serve your charts as JPEG or PNG images. Easy-to-use features such as data binding to any source, often without a line of code. Chart distribution is royalty-free and includes 64-bit support.

Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 and Microsoft Windows 10 Support
Controls designed for the VS ecosystem; you can take advantage of all available ActiveX control properties in Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 with VC++ project types.

Flexible Data Grids
Provide a stable base for database applications. One VSFlexGrid control does the work of multiple controls, and True DBGrid control's advanced data access, data presentation, and UI features help you fully customize your grid experience.

Easy, Fast ActiveX Reporting
VSView 8.0 Reporting control is flexible and easy to implement.

Visual Basic and Visual C++ Support
Includes full support for Visual Basic and Visual C++ 6.0, along with migration utilities for updating to 8.0.

Add resizing, tabbing, and parsing to your applications with this four-in-one component collection. SizerOne is the newest version of VS-OCX that includes two resizing components to handle both simple and complex sizing, a tabbing component to create notebook-style and Microsoft Outlook-style tabs parsing components parse strings automatically. Other features let you design grids and forms faster, add frames to child controls, scale pictures, and more.

True DataControl
Specify business logic in the data source of your desktop and Web applications. True DataControl is an ActiveX control that serves as an OLE DB/ADO data source for building applications. It is a data source with logic - replacing the traditional data sources like the Microsoft ADO data control - allowing developers to specify business logic in the data source as a set of business rules, thus making the applications more robust, scalable, and manageable.

True DBGrid Pro
Add powerful data-bound grids to your application available for enterprise-wide database front-end application development. True DBGrid Pro allows end-users to browse, edit, add and delete data in a tabular format. True DBGrid Pro ultimately manages the database interface, allowing developers to concentrate on important application-specific tasks. True DBGrid Pro can also be used in unbound or storage mode with a programmer's data source.

True DBInput Pro
Collect accurate, formatted user input. True DBInput Pro is a collection of eight high quality, data-aware ActiveX input controls and five objects designed to give developers the tools they need to build enterprise-wide Internet/intranet database front-end applications. These enhanced controls replace the text, calendar, mask, edit box, and frame controls in Visual Basic for formatting data input and add objects tailored for financial applications.

True DBList Pro
Patterned after the DBList and DBCombo controls included in Visual Studio, True DBList adds dozens of data presentation and UI features for unbeatable power and flexibility. Quickly implement multi-column lookup tables with incremental search, and take advantage of more than 250 properties, methods, and events to create sophisticated apps.

True WebChart (available with 64-bit support)
Create browser-independent, dynamic charts for Active Server Pages (ASP). True WebChart is an enterprise charting tool that allows you to develop charts or graphs and serve them as JPEG or PNG files to any browser. You can also serve the charts as an ActiveX control to allow your end-users to change chart types and data values. True WebChart features two server-side charting components - one for 2D and one for 3D. The ASP web server performs the chart creation and sends the completed charts and graphs to the browser.

VSFlexGrid Pro (available with 64-bit support)
Add flexible grids for the display of tabular data. Includes full 64-bit support, VSFlexGrid Pro is an upgrade to the MSFlexGrid that comes in the box with Visual Basic that gives you a full range of features for building flexible, powerful front ends for database applications. Customize the display and presentation of dynamic data in your Windows, Internet, or Intranet projects with a host of new ways to display, edit, format, organize, summarize, and print tabular data. Supports several binding formats (ADO/OLEBD, DOA, 2D, and 3D arrays) and can connect your grid to a variant array or a customized, self-developed data source.

Add spell checking and thesaurus functionality to any Visual Basic application. VSSPELL is a custom control library consisting of vsSpell and vsThesaurus. Just place the control on your form, and your end-users instantly have the power of VSSPELL's 250,000+ word American English dictionary. It features the ability to generate suggestions for bad words. It creates new dictionaries based on existing dictionaries (e.g., Microsoft Word), ignoring all or changing all bad words, and utilities to build and maintain dictionaries.

VSVIEW (available with 64-bit support and also includes Classic Edition)
Automatically format text for display and export. VSVIEW allows you to format text into multiple columns for table creation, including adding a header, footers, text boxes, borders, and word wrapping. You can render pictures, embed RTF strings, and export to RTF or HTML. There is even a WYSIWYG preview that you can add to your applications, offering unlimited zoom, thumbnails, and side-by-side page previews. Users have full control over zooming and page orientation.

ComponentOne Query (available with 64-bit support)
Include ad hoc query functionality in your applications and make it directly available to end-users. ComponentOne's Query Component is a COM-based component designed to integrate applications without your end-users' need to learn new skills. It comes complete with a powerful query generation engine, Query engine, and schema designer. Features include SQL database support, Simple DataSource mode, Built-in, customizable user interface, Hierarchical folder structure, Value editing, and more.

Subscription Includes

  • Free email and online technical support - Your ComponentOne for ActiveX purchase includes complimentary email support by a dedicated team of friendly, responsive Technical Support personnel. Also, you receive online support on the ComponentOne Web site in the form of FAQs, sample code, knowledge base, and peer-to-peer newsgroups.
  • Documentation - Components in ComponentOne Studio for ActiveX include thorough online Help, CHM Help, demos, tutorials, and sample projects with source code.
  • Renewals - After your subscription expires, you can continue using the released components while your subscription was active. You can continue to develop and distribute your applications built using ComponentOne for ActiveX products.

ComponentOne for ActiveX is also available as part of ComponentOne Studio Enterprise.

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