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LexiPortal Academic - Named (Single) End-User License, Annual Subscription

SKU: lexiportal-academic

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  • LexiPortal


LexiPortal provides the power of Leximancer in the cloud without requiring installation on your computer.

10 GB Project / Document Storage

Academic licenses are available at a reduced rate only for non-commercial use, by individual academics and enrolled students of recognised learning institutions.

Powering your analysis

Leximancer automatically analyses your text documents to identify the high-level concepts, delivering the key ideas and actionable insights you need with powerful models, interactive visualisations and data exports. Sentiment analysis without the bias.

Concept Explorer

The go-to text analysis tool for in-depth analysis of the text. With minimal setup and no term dictionaries, your text becomes an interactive workspace to allow you to explore and gain insight from the key concepts.

The only product on the market that is able to model your data via patented visualisation methods, allowing you to make deep strategic decisions.

Topic Guide

Our latest technology for reviewing large reports and document collections. LexiReader creates an automatic subject index for a document collection with zero configuration.

Topic Guide technology makes your personal review of any large report or document collection more efficient and more effective.

Go beyond text, find meaning.

Text is more than a collection of words, text tells a story. Ideas, concepts, and relationships are buried in the words. Identifying the concepts quickly and effectively is key to taking advantage of what the text is really saying.

Customer surveys, published articles, interview transcripts, long reports, web pages, feedback forms, tweets, and more. Find out what is really being said, no bias.

Additional Information

SKU lexiportal-academic
Status Enabled