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Web Console, 20 (server/workstation), Yearly - ESD Download

SKU: Web Console, 20

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Iperius Web Console - Remote backup monitoring Malaysia Reseller

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  • Iperius Web Console - Remote backup monitoring Malaysia Reseller


Web Console - Remote backup monitoring Monitor all the backups remotely in a centralized way * Monitor all your backups from a single web panel * Comprehensive reports and error details * Management of workgroups, computers and jobs * Detailed information on the monitored computers * Possibility to run backups remotely * Possibility to update Iperius remotely * Stop receiving hundreds of emails to check the backups of your clients Iperius Backup includes a powerful web monitoring feature for all installations and all backups. The Web Console allows you to view the results of backups, see the details of any errors, update the program remotely, and run backups remotely. In addition you have many information to know the status of each PC or server where Iperius is installed.

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SKU Web Console, 20
Status Enabled