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Houdini FX | Floating license, Perpetual License

SKU: houdini-fx-float

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Houdini FX Malaysia Reseller

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  • Houdini FX Malaysia Reseller



Physical Simulation & VFX

Houdini FX combines superior performance and physically realistic dynamic simulation tools to VFX artists creating feature films, commercials or video games. With its procedural node-based workflow, Houdini FX lets you create more content faster to reduce timelines and enjoy enhanced flexibility in all your creative tasks. 

Houdini is perfect for Visual Effects artists and technical directors with its particle and dynamics environment. Houdini FX includes all the CORE features for a complete toolset that includes tasks such as lighting, animation or procedural modeling.


Fire & Smoke

With Pyro FX , Fire and Smoke simulations look more realistic and are faster and easier to set up. The speed gains in Houdini are significant allowing for more iterations. The ability to simulate using the GPU takes things to a whole new level and advances in volume rendering create an impressive final look.


Water & Liquids

Create realistic sims using forces such as surface tension, viscosity, and visco-elasticity. Particle fluids can be surfaced at the geometry level to produce high quality splashes while fluild forces are used to create white water effects.

* The Annual Upgrade Plan is included in the purchase price for the first year. It must be purchased in subsequent years to keep your software up-to-date.

Additional Information

SKU houdini-fx-float
Status Enabled