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Grammarly for Education, University/College Group (Minimum 5 users) (Price is per user)

SKU: grammarly-education

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Grammarly for Education annual license Malaysia Reseller

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  • Grammarly for Education annual license Malaysia Reseller
  • Grammarly for Education annual license Malaysia Reseller


Better Students, Happier Teachers
Grammarly fuels academic success

Writing Assistance for All Levels
Grammarly’s online writing assistance and plagiarism tools encourage polished grammar, better overall wordsmithing, and a professional writing style.

400+ Points of Grammar Checking
Grammarly checks for more than 400 common grammar errors, saving time for both students and faculty.

Built-In Plagiarism Checker
Grammarly's integrated plagiarism checker instantly catches plagiarism from over 16 billion websites and ProQuest's proprietary databases.

LMS Integration
Grammarly integrates with your browser and MS Office. Polish your writing in real time on the web, in MS Word, and on major learning management systems.

Higher Education
Today, nearly 50% of faculty members say that freshmen are not adequately prepared for college-level writing. Grammarly works one-on-one with a student to develop essential writing skills, reinforce proper revision habits, and prevent plagiarism.
Libraries & Research
Grammarly grants your library a wide range of writing and research support services to offer your students. As a customer, you can give your students direct access to grammar tutorials and paper revision support through your library’s website.

Additional Information

SKU grammarly-education
Status Enabled