GitHub for enterprises
Build like the best
Increase developer velocity.
Secure every step.
Automate entire workflows.
Redefine collaboration.
Trusted by over 50 million developers.
Empower your team.
Transform your business.
DevOps is just the start. Top organizations know that transformation also depends on technology, talent, culture, and process. GitHub helps enterprises put them all to work—in one place.
Secure your supply chain
Keep open source components secure and compliant.
Secure your code
Find and fix code vulnerabilities as part of your workflows.
Secure your software lifecycle
Create and enforce security and compliance policies as code.
Accelerate delivery
Automate every step of your pipeline, including powerful, flexible CI/CD native to GitHub.
Build on best practices
Use and adapt workflows built by industry leaders and the open source community.
Scale secure automation
Consistently apply and scale policies across your organization, with traceability from source to deploy.
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