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User Profile Wizard Corporate Edition, 50 licenses

SKU: User Profile Wizard Corporate Edition

Availability: In stock

Regular Price: MYR588.00

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Simple. Scalable. Low cost

User Profile Wizard 3.9 is the latest version of ForensiT's powerful workstation migration tool. User Profile Wizard will migrate your current user profile to your new user account so that you can keep all your existing data and settings.

Large-scale migration made easy

User Profile Wizard has been used to automatically migrate hundreds of thousands of workstations to new domains. It can be used to migrate workstations to a new domain from any existing Windows network, or from a Novell NDS network; it can join standalone computers to a domain for the first time, or migrate workstations from a domain back to a workgroup.

No need to lose personal data and settings

A User Profile is where Windows stores your stuff. Normally, when you change your user account Windows will create a new profile for you, and you lose all your data and settings - your “My Documents”, “My Pictures” and “My Music” files and all the other information that makes your computer personal to you, like your desktop wallpaper, Internet favorites and the lists of documents you've recently opened.

User Profile Wizard is an easy-to-use migration tool that means this doesn’t need to happen – you can simply migrate your original profile to your new user account. User Profile Wizard does not move, copy or delete any data. Instead it configures the profile “in place” so that it can be used by your new user account. This makes the process both very fast and very safe.

With the User Profile Wizard Deployment Kit you can build a scalable, enterprise solution to automatically migrate tens of thousands of workstations.

Scalable - up or down

Unlike some alternatives, User Profile Wizard does not assume that there is an enterprise directory in place. It supports all environments from Small Business Server through to a Global Domain Consolidation.

Additional Information

SKU User Profile Wizard Corporate Edition
Status Enabled