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FileRun For Business, Enterprise version, Unlimited Users

SKU: FileRun-ent

Availability: In stock

Regular Price: MYR9,888.00

Quick Overview

FileRun For Business Enterprise Malaysia Reseller

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  • FileRun For Business Enterprise Malaysia Reseller


Self-Hosted File Sync and Sharing

Installs on any private Linux, Mac, Windows server or Web Hosting account
Unlimited user accounts
+ free server configuration service
+ server requirements update services
+ priority e-mail support service
+ weekend and holiday support service
+ support for plugins using third-party online services       

No import required

Just like you do with an FTP server, point FileRun to where you keep the files on your server and you will get instant web access to them.

Want to access your files also by FTP, SMB or WebDAV (server included)? No problem. Upload, download or manage the same files.

All changes made to the files using FTP or other method reflect via FileRun without delay.

Send file requests

File requests allow you to collect and receive files from anyone, right into your FileRun user account, with just a link.

File requests are ideal for receiving a large file or collection of files, collecting photos after a special event, and requesting submissions from coworkers and clients.

Click here to see how a request looks like.

Guest users

Collaborate with other people without creating accounts for them.

Getting feedback on documents, photos or any type of file has never been this easy.

Read more about this feature

Your files everywhere

Access your files from wherever you are using the free mobile apps.

Sync files from your desktop using the free desktop apps.

Access via WebDAV. FileRun comes with its own embedded WebDAV server. No server configuration needed.


PHP web developers can develop plugins for viewing, creating or manipulating files.

The OAuth2-secured API can be used for programatically interacting with FileRun, or creating more apps for accessing your files.


The automatic file versioning system prevents you from accidentally overwriting existing files.

Deleted files first end up in a trash folder before they get permanently erased.


Cross Site Scripting (XSS) protection.

SQL injections protection.

Session Hijacking protection.

Brute force login attempts protection.

The users input is strictly validated to prevent access outside the allowed folders.

The files can be stored outside the public are of the webserver (ie. outside the "www" folder) so direct access to the files is impossible.

100% support for HTTPS/SSL.

Additional Information

SKU FileRun-ent
Status Enabled