- APILE includes the implementation of LRFD analyses (AASHTO LRFD) so users may specify independent reduction factors (resistance factors) for skin friction and end bearing on each soil layer in the model. This feature may also be useful to implement strength reductions during pile driving, or for overall pile-group reduction factor.
- Generate a short-term, load-settlement curve for the modeled pile using nonlinear soil models and elastic pile material deformation. APILE uses two sets of internally generated t-z curves (load-transfer in axial side resistance as function of movement) and Q-w curve (load-transfer in end bearing as function of movement) for developing the load-settlement predictions.
- Output the internally-generated nonlinear soil-transfer curves in skin friction (t-z curves) at any user-specified depth. This can be useful when the user needs the curve for input as spring on other models.
- Various pile types may be analyzed by APILE: circular pipe piles, steel shapes, precast concrete piles or also many FHWA piles of varying sections (tapered piles, timber piles, or Raymond-type step taper or uniform taper piles).
- Load transfer capacities in side resistance (skin friction) and end bearing are computed, along with the total capacity of a pile to sustained axial loading.
- The development of a plug in an open-ended pipe pile as it is driven is calculated internally in APILE. Users may select fully plugged, unplugged or internally calculated for comparison of pile capacities.
- Graphics of load-distribution curves, load-settlement curves, and bearing capacity as a function of depth are outputted by the program.
- APILE has the ability to read cone penetration test (CPT) data files and convert to equivalent SPT-N values and equivalent shear strength versus depth.
- APILE can perform computations for tensile (uplift) loading with user-specified reduction factors.
- The user may also enter variations of cross-sectional area as a function of depth, for controlled computations of elastic deformations.
- Output reports in APILE include program and data file information, running date and clean echo printing of all inputted parameters.
- Modeled pile can be vertical or with a batter angle. APILE calculates load transfers based on pile lengths in each soil layer and also based on overburden (when appropriate).
- A 3D View feature is available to visualize the pile, soil stratum and computed load transfers.
- The method of Neutral Plane Analysis for Downdrag is implemented into APILE based on FHWA recommendations.
- New AASHTO 2012 to estimate friction angles from SPT values.
Additional Information
SKU | APILE v2018 |
Status | Enabled |