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SKU: controldesk

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  • ControlDesk


Universal modular experiment and instrumentation software for electronic control unit (ECU) development

ControlDesk is the dSPACE experiment software for seamless ECU development. It performs all the necessary tasks and gives you a single working environment, from the start of experimentation right to the end.

Application Areas

These are some of the tasks ControlDesk can be used for:

  • Rapid control prototyping (RCP; fullpass, bypass)
  • Hardware-in-the-loop simulation (HIL)
  • ECU measurement, calibration, and diagnostics
  • Access to vehicle bus systems (CAN, CAN FD, LIN, Ethernet)
  • Virtual validation with VEOS and SCALEXIO

Key Benefits

ControlDesk unites functionalities that often require several specialized tools. It provides access to simulation platforms as well as to connected bus systems and can perform measurement, calibration and diagnostics on ECUs, e.g., via standardized ASAM interfaces.
Its flexible modular structure provides high scalability to meet the requirements of specific application cases. This gives you clear advantages in terms of handling, the amount of training needed, the required computing power, and costs.

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SKU controldesk
Status Enabled