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Dr.Web Mail Security Suite


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Dr.Web Server Security Suite Reseller Malaysia

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  • Dr.Web Server Security Suite Reseller Malaysia


Dr.Web Mail Security Suitefor Unix/MS Exchange/IBM Lotus Domino/Kerio

A highly intelligent anti-virus and anti-spam protection system for large volumes of email traffic

  • Certified by FSTEC of Russia*
  • Included in the Register of Russian Computer Programs and Databases
  • Meets high security standards by deploying anti-virus protection for Personal Data Information Systems (PDIS) up to the class I level of security, for Geographic Information System (GIS) up to the class I level of security, for data processing systems containing state secrets, and for Critical Information Infrastructure organisations up to the highest category.

*Unix/MS Exchange

Mail trafficis the main transport for viruses and spam.

All of a company’s business processes depend on its mail system working flawlessly and being free of viruses and spam.

If a company's network gets infected, it is email that can become a source of viruses and a way for viruses to invade all the network nodes; this is because the malicious programs on an infected machine have access to a user’s address book, which may contain both your colleagues' addresses and your customers' addresses.

An anti-virus can

  • Reduce the flow of spam and the number of viruses in a corporate network
  • Accelerate email delivery
  • Remove previously unknown malicious programs from mailboxes.

Only by installing an anti-virus on its mail server can a company prevent situations when the server becomes a source of infection.

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