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Digicert Secure Site Pro SSL - 1 Domain, 1 Year


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Digicert Secure Site Pro SSL Malaysia Reseller

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  • Digicert Secure Site Pro SSL Malaysia Reseller
  • Digicert Secure Site Pro SSL Malaysia Reseller


Secure Site Pro SSL

Protects your website or email traffic with RSA 2048+ encryption or ECC 256+ keys and SHA2-256 signature algorithm.

The OV Secure Site Pro TLS/SSL Certificate enables you to get a certificate that fits your needs. Provide encryption and authentication for one domain, one domain and all its subdomains, or use Subject Alternative Names (SANs) to secure multiple domains and wildcard domains with one certificate.

  • Charged per domain – no base certificate cost
  • Secure up to 250 domains on one certificate
    • Secure a single domain ([your-domain].com)
    • Secure a domain and all its subdomains (*.[your-domain].com)
    • Secure multiple domains ([your-domain].com), multiple wildcard domains (*.[your-domain].com), or a mix of domains and wildcard domains with one certificate
  • Add www.[your-domain].com and get [your-domain].com for free by adding them as SANs to the order (works for each domain on the order)
  • Add a wildcard domain (*.example.com) and get the base domain for free by adding them as SANs (works for each wildcard domain on the order)
  • Comes with unlimited free reissues for the life of the certificate.
  • Trusted by all major browsers and operating systems
  • Meets PCI Compliance requirements for SSL Certificates
  • Comes with automated authenticity checks

Benefits included with Secure Site Pro OV SSL/TLS certificates:
  • Entitlements – Each Secure Site Pro certificate includes – at no extra cost – first access to future premium feature additions to CertCentral (e.g., CT log monitoring and validation management).
  • Priority validation – Secure Site Pro orders are placed at the top of our validation queues so our agents can respond to these orders first.
  • Priority support – Each Secure Site Pro certificate comes with access to two priority support queues so our Support team can respond to your needs first: Order and validation status and Installation and configuration.
  • Two premium site seals – Each Secure Site Pro certificate comes with the two most recognized trust marks on the web: DigiCert and Norton. Pick the premium site seal you want to use to display proof of trust on your site.
  • Malware check – Each Secure Site certificate comes with convenient access to a VirusTotal malware check. Quickly analyze your public domains with 70 plus antivirus scanners and URL/domain blacklist services. Use scan results to identify malware threats so you can take actions to keep your site off blacklists that can cripple site availability and online revenue.
  • Industry-leading warranties – Each Secure Site Pro certificate includes warranties to protect you and your customers: a $2M Netsure Protection Warranty for your business and an industry-best $2M aggregate Relying Party Warranty for your customers.

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