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DraftSight Enterprise, 1-Year subscription


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DraftSight Enterprise

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  • DraftSight Enterprise
  • DraftSight Enterprise
  • DraftSight Enterprise
  • DraftSight Enterprise


DraftSight Enterprise 2D CAD and 3D Software

Get technical support, deployment and network licensing to enable concurrent usage.

Why choose DraftSight Enterprise and Enterprise Plus

Engineering Managers, Teams and IT Directors choose DraftSight Enterprise and Enterprise plus to efficiently enable concurrent usage and compliance across the organization, and free themselves up from installation and upgrade headaches with the deployment wizard.

The Comprehensive 2D drafting and design solution to meet any drafting, modeling, prototyping, manufacturing, laser cutting and Printing requirement.
Draftsight Enterprise includes:

- Telephone and email technical support (in 8 languages) from DraftSight Representatives.
- Automatic upgrades to the most up-to-date versions of DraftSight, including major releases and service packs.
- A network license to help companies deploy 2D CAD across their entire organization, eliminating headaches related to license management and versioning data incompatibility.
- Access to DraftSight APIs (application programming interface) and API updates. The DraftSight APIs allow you to customize and automate DraftSight. Companies that
have automated, customized or integrated their current DWG-based CAD system through LISP or other macros will find significant value in the APIs.

(Minimum order of 2 unit for first time Draftsight Enterprise Customer)

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