All your video needs in one place
Use Clipchamp’s free video editor to create beautiful videos today.
Join our community of video creators
Create beautiful videos in no time with our popular and much loved free video editor. Whether you need to save time on uploads, save money on storage, or create an entire video from scratch – if it’s anything to do with video, then Clipchamp is the best place to start.
Use our customisable video templates
Get inspired without being tied down. Our video templates give you the best of both worlds: ready-to-use templates for everything from ads to wedding video inspiration, all within a flexible video editor that lets you truly make each template your own. Whether you’re creating videos for social video ads, corporate slideshows, cinematic presentations or your best friend’s wedding – we’ve got you covered.
Mix and match stock footage and audio
Stuck for ideas? Need new video stock to bring out the best in your project? Or do you have your own video files, but not the right audio? Our extensive video and audio stock library lets you pick and choose as you go along. We get that great videos are a mixed bag of bespoke content alongside stock, and that’s at the heart of our editor experience.
What makes our video technology different?
We’ve championed online video creation since 2014 and continue to complement our proprietary video technologies to enhance a flexible and fast video editing experience. This includes technologies that let you compress, convert, collect, record and create videos without delays in rendering or locked in file formats that are hard to convert or share.
Additional Information
SKU | clipchamp-business-platinum |
Status | Enabled |