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Brizy WordPress Freelancer, Lifetime

SKU: brizy-freelancer

Availability: Out of stock

Quick Overview

Brizy WordPress Freelancer

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  • Brizy WordPress Freelancer
  • Brizy WordPress Freelancer


Next-gen website builder that anyone can use

Create 'no-code' websites in minutes. Once you go Brizy, nothing else feels easy!

The best site builder for non-techies

Intuitive and easy-to-use, yet very powerful & fast

Drag & Drop builder

Global Colors & Fonts

Fully Responsive

Visual editing (no code)

36+ Powerful Elements

Clean code & optimised

100+ design templates, beautiful & mobile perfect

You can start with a blank page and let your imagination guide you, but if that’s too intimidating, just import one of the included Pages, Blocks or Pop-up designs.

Additional Information

SKU brizy-freelancer
Status Enabled