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GeoTrust QuickSSL Premium Wildcard, 1 Year

SKU: ID-112

Availability: Out of stock

Quick Overview

GeoTrust QuickSSL Premium Wildcard

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  • GeoTrust QuickSSL Premium Wildcard
  • GeoTrust QuickSSL Premium Wildcard


SSL Certificate description

GeoTrust QuickSSL Premium Wildcard SSL is another DV Wildcard from DigiCert CA and is an alternative to RapidSSL Wildcard SSL, it was released in early 2016. The new product comes with the RSA and SHA hash algorithms and a 30-days money-back guarantee for any reason.

You can secure a primary domain name and unlimited sub-domains, it has unlimited free reissues as well. However, you can reissue SSL to the same domain names only; changes are not allowed. SSL issues after 5 minutes after successful passing of domain validation.

  • Wildcard feature enabled

    WildcardSSL means your SSL will protect unlimited sub-domains within your primary domain, such as order.domain.com, my.domain.com, mail.domain.com and many others. It will save you money, as you will need only one dedicated IP to install the certificate. Unlimited server licensing means SSL can work on as many servers or IP's. Pretty nice feature.

  • Domain Validation product

    GeoTrust requires passing Domain validation via one of the available validation methods like E-mail validation, HTTP Hash file or via DNS CNAME. No documents or callback required at all. Brand validation may be required.

  • Free Bonus feature

    QuickSSL Premium Wildcard SSL supplies with standard dynamic website seal logo to increase and boost trust within your site. The dynamic seal shows verified information if anyone clicks seal logo. We highly suggest to install seal logo to most common pages. Kindly hover mouse to see GeoTrust seal.

  • Improve Your Google Rank

    The minor modifications in Google ranking algorithm help websites with active and valid SSL certificates to get higher positions in Google search. That change applies to all type of SSL certificates like Domain, Business or Extended Validation. Verified companies/organizations may get even higher results.

  • Classical compatibility

    GeoTrust products come with high and professional compatibility with modern browsers and mobile devices. You will never face any problems with that product. However, developers promised 99.6% browser support. Here is most complete list of supported devices.

  • Compare QuickSSL Premium Wildcard

    Take a look at our advanced comparison tool to understand what are the advatantages of QuickSSL Premium wildcard comparing to RapidSSL Wildcard or Comodo PositiveSSL Wildcard. Remember, the price is not the mark. Compare QuickSSL Premium Wildcard.

Additional Information

SKU ID-112
Status Enabled