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DayPilot Pro for JavaScript (Web Team)

SKU: daypilot-pro-javascript-webteam

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DayPilot Pro

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  • DayPilot Pro


DayPilot Pro "Web" Edition

  • For internal use by employees of your organization
  • Non-minified JavaScript source code included (except for the Web Mini edition)
  • 6 or 12 months of maintenance subscription included

Client-side JavaScript library of scheduling web components with support for vanilla JavaScriptAngularReact, and Vue. You can use it with any server-side backend (ASP.NET Core, Java, PHP, NodeJS and others).

The JavaScript Scheduler is a visual UI component that shows a timeline view for multiple resources. The time is displayed on the horizontal (X) axis and resources are displayed as rows (on the vertical axis).

The behavior of the Scheduler component can be customized using a rich JavaScript API.

You can customize the appearance of the JavaScript Scheduler using CSS. There are several CSS themes included in the download package. You can also design your own

To quickly explore the basic configuration options you can use the online UI Builder configurator. It will let you see the configuration changes in a live preview. You can also generate and download a project with the selected configuration. This way you can start your proof-of-concept implementation in minutes.

DayPilot Scheduler supports popular frameworks, such as Angular, React, and Vue.

Additional Information

SKU daypilot-pro-javascript-webteam
Status Enabled