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CupixHomes Service Pack Add-on, Team Pack - 3 Years

SKU: cupixhome-team-pack

Availability: Out of stock

Quick Overview


The Team Pack provides a one-stop solution for highly efficient collaboration allowing you to manage team members, share 3D tours securely, discuss and clarify issues with 360° views.

Securely share workspaces

Share workspaces with employees, clients, and anyone who has a Cupix account with Read-Write or Review-Only permissions and control who accesses what.

Administrate your team

Cupix provides built-in team management features which can make it easy to deploy the 3D tour solution fitting in with your organizational structure.

Powerful real-time discussion tool

The discussion tool provides an incredibly efficient way to discuss issues using a viewpoint link, which is a hyperlink pointing to a specific spot.

Additional Information

SKU cupixhome-team-pack
Status Enabled