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StarUML Site License

SKU: staruml-site-license

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StarUML Site License

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  • StarUML
  • StarUML Site License



A sophisticated software modeler for agile and concise modeling


Compatible with UML 2.x standard metamodel and diagrams: Class, Object, Use Case, Component, Deployment, Composite Structure, Sequence, Communication, Statechart, Activity, Timing, Interaction Overflow, Information Flow and Profile Diagram.

SysML Support

Support modeling with SysML diagrams: Requirement, Block Definition, Internal Block, and Parametric Diagram.

Additional Diagrams

Support to create Entity-Relationship Diagrams (ERD), Data-flow Diagrams (DFD) and Flowchart Diagrams.

Cross-Platform Support

Work with same UX in multiple platforms including MacOS, Windows and Linux.

Auto Update

StarUML checks latest updates and install automatically for MacOS and Windows.

MacBook Touchbar

StarUML supports latest MacBook's Touchbar. It is easy and convenient to edit diagrams.

Retina Display Support

Supports Retina (High-DPI) Display. All diagrams, texts and icons are razor sharp and can be exported to High-DPI images (PNG and JPEG).

Extension Manager

Easily discover and install third-party extensions. Many extensions are open source and hosted on Github. Fork one and make your own.

Model-Driven Development

Modeling data are stored in a very simple JSON format, so it can be used easily to generate custom codes by user-defined templates (mdgen).

Fast Modeling

Supports many shorthands in Quick Edit to create elements and relationships at once such as sub-classes, supporting interfaces, etc.

Dark and Light Themes

Support light and darks themes, so you can choose a theme more comfortable.

Additional Information

SKU staruml-site-license
Status Enabled