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TeamViewer Addon Channels, 1 Year


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Regular Price: MYR1,888.00

TeamViewer Addon Channels, 1 Year

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  • TeamViewer Corporate Malaysia Reseller


TeamViewer Addon Channels, 1 Year

AddOn Channels pertain to the Premium and Corporate plan. The number of channels determines how many devices sessions can be started concurrently from different devices.

The Premium plan has one session channel and an unlimited number of installations. That means that if one meeting or multiple remote control sessions are started from one computer, no second computer would be able to use TeamViewer at the same time. If TeamViewer is supposed to be used from multiple devices at the same time, a channel upgrade is required. For each additional device from which TeamViewer is supposed to be used at the same time, an additional channel is necessary.

The Corporate plan features an unlimited number of installations and three session channels. That means that if three devices start a meeting or multiple remote control sessions each, a fourth device cannot use TeamViewer at the same time. If you wish to use TeamViewer with more than three devices concurrently, an additional channel is required. For each additional device from which TeamViewer is supposed to be used at the same time, an additional channel is necessary.

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