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Anydesk Advanced - Add on Namespace, 1 Year

SKU: anydesk-advanced-namespace

Availability: In stock

Regular Price: MYR2,138.00

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What is a Namespace?


Namespace is your custom AnyDesk domain. It ensures the precise identification of your device and also elevates security by allowing connections
only from devices registered to your Namespace. 

What is a Namespace?

To connect to remote devices with AnyDesk, you need to know the ID or Alias (AnyDesk Address) of the remote device.

AnyDesk ID is a unique 9 or 10-digit code displayed in the application.

AnyDesk Alias is a letter-labelled address displayed under the ID.

What are the benefits of a custom Namespace? 

With a custom Namespace, you get the following advantages: 

  • Heightened security - easily identify verified clients and block unauthorized access. 
  • Ease of management - grant full access to whitelisted clients within your Namespace. 
  • Brand identity - build trust with a custom namespace that conveys a professional brand image to your customers.
  • Seamless set-up - choose your domain name. A namespace will be created for you. Set up your Namespace in a few simple steps and add it to your Access Control List for heightened security.

Additional Information

SKU anydesk-advanced-namespace
Status Enabled